Monday 23 April 2012

April 21, 2012 Getting One of My Wishes…

April 21, 2012 Getting One of My Wishes…the gift of music

In the coming entries, I will expand on why I have named my blog “Getting What You Wish For”, but for now I will fill you in on one of my wishes that came true thanks to my sister-in-law Heather.

The gift was a BIG way!

This is how it goes…Todd and I are BIG Coldplay fans.  We have all their albums and regularly commiserate with Angela, Derek and Graeme about their music.  Our friend Owen (also a burgeoning musician) can cover their songs quite well and has graced us with his renditions of some Coldplay songs from time to time. 

Coldplay’s music is current and comes in a variety of forms from love ballads to alternative rock.  The lyrics also range from hitting your heart to somewhat random thought processes – but always original and always creative (which I love).  In enjoying their music and that of many other current bands and artists, I like to fool myself into thinking that I am hip and with the times:o)  I definitely liked going to see various bands and artists when I was younger and now that the kids are getting older, I feel like our time has come again!

For the last few years I promised myself that I would go to a Coldplay concert next time they were in town as we missed them the last time they came to Vancouver.  So wouldn’t you know it, they announced their tour before Christmas and tickets for the Vancouver show went on sale.  Graeme was first on the draw to notice the announcement. However, by the time Todd went on line to see about buying some tickets, the first show was sold out.  A second show was announced and it too was sold out within hours.  Todd scoured the internet to find alternate ways of getting ticket, but to no avail.

As we got more desperate for ways to purchase some tickets, I added a PS note at the end of one of my blog entries before Christmas asking if anyone knew a better way to source the tickets so that we could buy some.  

Lo and behold Santa Clause came early the next day after my blog post where Heather (my sister-in-law) confirmed that she was able to source two floor tickets and had purchased them for us as a Christmas gift.  Todd and I were stunned that Heather was able to source and buy the tickets for us.  The other awesome thing about the tickets was that the timing could not have been better with respect to my chemo treatment schedule where my immune system was expected to be on the upswing!

April 21st came and Todd and I could not believe that we had real tickets to the concert.  Off we trucked down to Rogers Arena and made our way to our floor seats.  I still am pinching myself that we got see Coldplay live!

After the first two opening acts, the whole audience was on its feet from the beginning to the end of the concert.  The energy was so great and so positive that I felt like the concert could have gone on for hours more (not sure that the band could have taken it, but we sure could have!).  We both really enjoyed it and feel that it was by far the best large live concert that we have EVER seen!  Everything was phenomenal from the music, the band, the energy, the light show, the wrist bands they gave out that lit up through wireless signals (way to go TELUS and other technologies!), the major confetti that was blown into the audience, etc, etc, etc.  Chris Martin was to die for and the band’s ability to use the whole stadium to perform really attempted to make the night more intimate.

To get a sense of the concert, I have attached two You Tube links from some of the fans that attended the concert in Vancouver (you can also google “You Tube Coldplay Vancouver 2012 for more links”):

1.     The first link shows the beginning of the show and a great view of the effect of all the wrist bands going off at the same time as well as the beginning of the light show:

2.     This second link shows the band playing an acoustic version of “Us Against the World” (a song that I quoted in a previous blog entry) where the band is playing right in amongst the audience – what a very special surprise!

Wishes can’t be granted better than this…tickets gifted by family, out on a date with my husband, the kids having fun on their own without parents, an amazing concert experience and being healthy enough to enjoy the gift… priceless.

Thanks Heather!

Love Carmela and Todd

PS: Angela and Derek, I don’t want to make you too jealous, but you really should have come with us:o)

PPSS: Graeme, it is OK that you are jealous because you are young enough to probably see a bunch of Coldplay concerts in your lifetime…

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