Monday, 22 October 2012

A Love Story....

I was going to try to write something meaningful, deep and detailed about the support and renewed love and caring Todd has given me through (and I hope that we are giving each other) through this experience. However, I find, as I re-read some of my posts, that the love story is peppered subtly and sometimes overtly in the entries.  I will leave it to you to piece the story together.  We should all be so lucky to have an opportunity to rebuild bridges and divides previously damaged or severed on purpose, by accident or through neglect while managing the pressures of living.  It would be more pleasant and less painful to accomplish this under less dire circumstances, however, I will take it no matter how it had to come about.  In a crazy and poetically appropriate way, I believe Todd and I are coming away with what we both have needed for some time to rekindle joy and strength to our marriage as we started out 23 years ago.  Everything feels, smells and sounds so much better now that the worst seems to be over and much better than some of the darker times prior to diagnosis. I choose to believe that we will be much better for this experience together and as individuals.

By the way, love stories do not always come in shiny new packages with pretty words, romantic dates, clear lines or have a clear being or end.  Sometimes the best love story is underneath the warts, the difficult discussions and the hurt. They write themselves over time and in hindsight.  We just need to open our heart, mind and eyes to see them as they are unfolding, even when it may be one of the most difficult things to you do.

Todd, thank you for your strength and love. Here’s to our new beginning….

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